5 benefits of using anti fungal powder for skin

Before we learn how does anti fungal powder for skin help, let us learn few things about fungal infections.

Fungi are single-celled or multi-cellular in nature; they are present everywhere; outdoors, in the air, water, indoors, inside people’s bodies, on the surface of our skin; etc.  There are millions of species of fungi, but only 300 of them can cause illness to people. These pathogenic fungi are microorganisms, meaning single-celled.

Fungal infections are characterized by a rash and are known for their contagious nature. You can catch them from infected or unclean clothing, footwear, contaminated soil, infected animals, certain skincare products, etc.

In humans, fungal infections happen when an attacking fungus takes over a part of your body; and your immune system is not capable enough to ward it off.  Though fungal infections can happen anytime, it is more common during the monsoon season and hot and humid weather.

5 benefits of using anti fungal powder for skin

A good quality anti-fungal dusting powder that is used topically (on the skin) is one of the best ways to treat, cure and prevent fungal infections.  You get immediate relief from symptoms like itching and redness of the skin.

  1. A good quality anti-fungal dusting powder is quite effective in treating and preventing fungal infections like jock itch, ring-worm, athlete’s foot,  fungal sweat rash, yeast infection and more.
  2. Anti-fungal powder is also useful in treating a skin condition known as tinea-versicolor or pityriasis, a fungal infection that causes skin discoloration in the chest, neck, back, arms or legs.  Basically, the product prevents the growth of fungus in or on the body.
  3. Clovig powder contains Clotrimazole, a powerful antifungal medication.  The benefits include soothing the irritated skin, reducing, and eliminating rashes, preventing onset of any recurrence, and absorbing excess perspiration caused due to heat.
  4. The presence of Clotrimazole in powder, helps to relieve symptoms like itching and smoothens the impaired skin texture. Due to fungal infections, your skin may become red, peel or crack, which is why a strong dusting powder works wonders in alleviating all these symptoms.
  5. Clotrimazole has a characteristic ability to stop the biosynthesis of ergosterol, an important component of the fungal cell membrane.  Thus with the application of a dusting powder, fungal cell activity is disintegrated, leading to its eradication, and there is no more multiplication of fungi.

How to apply a dusting anti fungal powder?

  • Dusting anti fungal powder for skin is meant for external use only.
  • Wash the affected part of your skin, clean-dry it before dabbing the dusting powder. Your doctor will be able to tell you the duration and frequency of application of Clovig.
  • The application is twice a day on the affected skin area.
  • Do use the product, same time every day, as directed by your physician.
  • You can apply anti fungal powder on fungal infected areas of neck, back, ear, outer areas of mouth, face, legs, hands, private areas like external genitalia, buttocks.


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  • If I wore it with ordinary shorts, you
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    in terms of length to suit me. I have many RL polo shirts, and this one is by far the longest. I dont understand why.

    • This shirt goes completely past my rear end. If I wore it with ordinary shorts, you
      probably wouldnt be able to see the shorts at all – completely hidden by the shirt. It needs to be 4 to 5 inches shorter
      in terms of length to suit me. I have many RL polo shirts, and this one is by far the longest. I dont understand why

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