Changing season often brings with it cold and dry weather. But that doesn’t mean you won’t catch a fungal infection in such season. You could be as vulnerable to fungal infections in changing weather as in other months for a host of reasons. Thankfully treating the problem isn’t hard. Here’s a closer look at why you could catch fungal infections in changing season and how to treat and prevent them. 

Can You Get Fungal Infections In Changing Season?

While the hot and sweaty humid weather of summer is an obvious time for fungal infections to flourish; rainy, winter and changing season doesn’t mean complete freedom from such infections either.

When the weather is chilly or cold, drying up after baths can be more hurried because we want to warm up quickly by putting on our clothes and footwear. If you rush and don’t take care to dry between your toes before wearing your socks, it could bring on a case of Athlete’s Foot.

You may also spend long hours in socks and boots which do not allow your feet to air. As a result, the moisture from the sweat and heat in your toes and feet could become a good breeding ground for fungal infections.

In such chilly weather, you may opt for a session at a gym rather than the cold outdoors. This will mean the use of shared locker rooms and shower areas. If someone at the gym has an infection and you walk around barefoot in the same space, you could catch the fungal infection.

You may even find yourself sweating from time to time if you are bundled up in heavy warm clothing and then move to indoor spaces that are warmer. This sweaty damp environment is ideal for fungal growth.

Preventing Fungal Infections In Changing Season

Follow the same rules as you do in summer when it comes to personal hygiene. Don’t let your guard down.

  • Always wear waterproof footwear in public restrooms or changing rooms at the gym and indoor swimming pools. Wipe any equipment before using it and strictly avoid sitting on damp or wet benches.
  • Wash yourself well with soap and water and dry up properly after your baths.
  • If socks or footwear feel damp, change them right away. Air your shoes out after each use.
  • Do not reuse socks.
  • Use an antifungal dusting powder for your feet if you tend to get sweaty in closed shoes/socks.
  • Avoid sharing towels, bed linen and blankets with anyone who has a fungal infection. Ideally have a separate set of each for whoever you live with.
  • Keep your immunity up by eating healthy, nutritious food, exercising, and getting some sunlight exposure every day.
  • Treat any fungal infection immediately using a good antifungal cream.